How to Eliminate Vomit Smell from Carpet: Proven Strategies for Odor Removal


Dealing with the unpleasant odor of vomit on your carpet can be a challenging task, but fear not! We have curated a comprehensive guide to help you not only eliminate the smell but also ensure your carpet remains fresh and clean. Our tested strategies go beyond the basics, providing you with effective solutions for a thorough carpet odor removal process.

Understanding the Science: Why Does Vomit Smell Linger?

Before delving into the solutions, let’s briefly explore the science behind the persistence of vomit odors. Vomit contains acidic components that can penetrate carpet fibers, leading to stubborn smells. Traditional cleaning methods may not suffice, necessitating a more strategic approach.

Step 1: Immediate Cleanup

Act Swiftly

Eliminate Vomit Smell from Carpet

Time is of the essence when it comes to vomit cleanup. The longer it sits, the more challenging it becomes to eradicate the odor. Swift action not only prevents the smell from permeating but also minimizes potential damage to your carpet.

Remove Solid Debris

Begin by carefully removing any solid debris using disposable gloves and a plastic bag. Dispose of the waste properly to prevent cross-contamination.

Step 2: Neutralizing the Odor

Vinegar/Water Solution

Create a potent solution by combining equal parts white vinegar and water. This dynamic duo works wonders in neutralizing acidic odors.

Spray the affected area generously, ensuring the solution penetrates deep into the carpet fibers. The acidity of vinegar counteracts alkaline stains and odors, effectively eradicating the vomit smell.

Step 3: Baking Soda Magic

Absorbent Power

Baking soda is renowned for its absorbent properties, making it an ideal candidate for odor removal. Sprinkle a generous amount over the affected area, allowing it to sit for at least 15 minutes. This facilitates the absorption of remaining odors, leaving your carpet fresh and odor-free.

Step 4: Steam Cleaning for Deep Penetration

Professional-Grade Clean

Investing in a steam cleaner is a game-changer for thorough carpet cleaning. The high-temperature steam not only sanitizes but also reaches deep into carpet fibers, eliminating any lingering odors.

A Quick and Easy Guide to Tackling Vomit Stains on Your Carpet

Dealing with vomit on your carpet is never a pleasant task, but Renew is here to provide you with a straightforward and efficient guide on how to clean it up. No frills, just practical steps to get your carpet looking and smelling fresh again. Let’s dive right in!

Eliminate Vomit Smell from Carpet

Cleaning Up Vomit from the Carpet:

  1. Gear Up: Put on disposable gloves if available. Time is of the essence, so tackle the stain promptly for the best results.
  2. Remove Solids: Start by getting rid of any solid debris from the stain.
  3. Loosen Hardened Vomit: If the vomit has dried up, use cold water to soften the stain.
  4. Create a Cleaning Solution: Mix laundry detergent with water to form a soapy solution. Apply it to the stain using a scrubbing brush or cloth/sponge. Keep at it until the stain disappears.
  5. Rinse with Cold Water: Use cold water to wash away any soapy residue from the carpet.
  6. Blot Excess Liquid: Absorb any remaining liquid with a clean towel or paper towel.

Banishing Vomit Odors from Your Carpet:

  1. Baking Soda Paste:
    • Combine baking soda and water to form a paste.
    • Apply a thin layer to the affected area and use a brush (even an old toothbrush) to work it into the carpet.
    • Allow it to set, possibly overnight, and when the paste hardens, scrape away as much as you can with a blunt knife.
    • Vacuum any remaining residue, and the unpleasant smell should vanish with it.
  2. The Vinegar Alternative:
    • If you don’t have baking soda, vinegar is a worthy substitute.
    • Mix two parts of water with one part of vinegar.
    • Rub the solution into the area using a sponge or cloth.
    • Don’t worry if the smell of vinegar lingers initially; it will dissipate along with the vomit odor.
    • Leave the solution to work for 1-2 hours, then use a clean towel to soak up as much residue as possible.

Conclusion: Cleaning vomit from your carpet doesn’t have to be a complicated process. With these practical steps, you can restore your carpet to its former glory and bid farewell to both stains and odors. Whether you choose the baking soda or vinegar method, Renew has you covered for a quick and effective cleanup.


With our proven strategies, you can bid farewell to vomit smells on your carpet. The combination of immediate action, vinegar-water solutions, baking soda, and steam cleaning ensures a comprehensive approach to odor removal. Implement these steps diligently, and enjoy a fresh, clean carpet that surpasses the effectiveness of conventional methods.